engarian (engarian) wrote,

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Rocks, Pizza and Friends

I had a wonderful Sunday. We woke up early and got ready to go to the little Gem & Mineral Show put on by the Minnesota Mineral Club. We had been watching "The Shining" the night before, but couldn't stay awake for the final 45 minutes. Fortunately, I caught them this morning, so I still got to see Jack Nickleson with the axe getting tricked by his kid in the maze and freezing to death. And all of the wonderful ghosts. I've been to the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, where some of the movie was filmed. It also is haunted. Too much fun!

Anyway, we drove south to the show and met Chickie and Chickie-Mama there. I wanted to hear the noon lecture on tools and procedures in lapidary work and it was wonderful. Then DH and I continued wandering around and I turned around and there was my niece-in-law, Mary. I rarely see her and just enjoy her so much. It was great to run into her. She, her husband (my oldest nephew, Michael) and their youngest daughter Emma attended. Michael and Emma are usually at the show every year, but Mary rarely goes to this one. We stayed with them for an hour, watching a presentation on fossiling in Morocco (pretty cool) with them. We finally left about 3:30 pm. Deciding that we wanted dinner (actually linner - a combo of lunch and dinner) and still having money since we didn't spend much at the show, we went to Old Chicago for some awesome pizza.

On the downside, I've had a eye infection since Friday night. Although it hurts less today, my eye is swollen and icky. Call me not happy about this one.

On the upside, Sunday was the birthday anniversary of Eugene O'Neill. Which, of course, pulls my thoughts to Seth. Seth and I met in college in a Theatre course. O'Neill's play "Desire Under the Elms" was one of the first plays that we presented together in the class. Kisses of remembrance out to you today, my dear friend.
Tags: minnesota mineral club, movie, seth

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