engarian (engarian) wrote,

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Positives and Negatives

Sharon and I had a wonderful time for her visit. We spent three days wandering and eating our way through the State Fair, and one day wandering and eating, and watching a variety of stage shows at Ren Faire. I dropped her off at the airport on Tuesday morning and she arrived back home safely later that day.

I, however, was sick for her entire visit and am still sick. Last night the only way I was able to get any sleep at all was to sit up. NOT comfortable. My draining sinuses matched with lungs that are filled with all kinds of gunk and making not so wonderful wheezing and grumbling sounds when I breathe, is not getting any better. My DH is getting really tired of this, but not nearly as tired as I am. I'm on day 9 now and although I generally feel better, I sound worse and I don't show any sign of actually getting over this. This SUCKS!
Tags: sharon, sick

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