engarian (engarian) wrote,

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Fulfillment and Happiness

 So after more than two hours of frustrated work to get the lettering onto my Big Bang collage, I finally succeeded in exactly what I wanted.  I may still go over the lettering with my wood burner, but I'll test that out with my signature panel on the back of the piece first. 

What I can say, happily, is that it is DONE and I will be photographing it this week so that I can Email it to the appropriate people.  Whether or not my author will consider it to be worthwhile?  Hard to say.  My artwork is always off the mainstream.  But my DH, although he did criticize part of the image, generally liked what I came up with - a surprise since he rarely has anything good to say about my artwork at all.  So I'm happy - fulfilled, even. 

The central image is an antique ivory comb that was
heavily carved in the center.  It's a stunning piece!

Yesterday I thought I would work up some userpics and banners for my Middle Earth Fan Fiction award nominees, and noticed that I had been nominated for a sixth story.  Yippee!  I'm so incredibly honored and just floored that anyone would find my writings moving enough to nominate.  Thrilled doesn't even begin to describe my feelings.  So I worked up a banner for Morning Song shown above.  I'm still working on my user pics for my LJ pages.  So, I'm doubly happy.  Unfortunately, I'm looking at four days in a row of work, definitely a downer.  But...I've got good books to read on my NookColor, good coffee and oatmeal for the morning, and only the chapter headings still to draw for my Big Bang things (and those are bonus, not required), so all is well.  Now to get beading on my BFAC piece for the year...
Tags: altered art, attitude, beading for a cure, big bang, creativity, deadlines, mefa, positive thinking, writing

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