Oh, we'll do some housework - mow the lawn, do some cleaning - but generally speaking, it will be such a joy to be able to sleep in for two days.
Then, at the end of next week, I leave for the Bead & Button Show - a chance to see old friends and meet new ones. I have projects that I will bring with me, mainly my Beading For A Cure piece and my sketchbook for the illustrations for my LOTR Big Bang story. Things are starting to come together in my head for both projects and I need some computer art time for my Big Bang illustrations. My heavy class days will be the beginning days - Sunday through Wednesday. Thursday is mostly open, Friday has a few things scheduled, but is mostly open, and Saturday has a breakfast and then I check out and leave. I know I won't get as much done as I really want/need to, but I'm going to try my best to really get something accomplished on both of my major projects. After all, the clock is ticking.
Of course, in order to leave, I actually need to pack, and I haven't started that yet. I'll start getting my things together on Wednesday, but I'm also thinking about what, if any, tools I need to buy for the trip. Money, after the expensive car repair bill, is quite tight, and every tool has to be justified six ways from Sunday. So I'm looking over the class supply lists and determining what items I already own, what items I will get extended use from, and what I might be able to borrow from other students in the class or that the teacher may have available for us to use. I don't think I'll need to buy much, maybe only a single hammer. Or maybe I already have everything which would make me very happy. At least I'm finally thinking about this instead of just throwing things into a suitcase on Friday night - LOL.