engarian (engarian) wrote,

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Back to the Salt Mines

 I could use another studio day today - LOL, but of course I actually have to work. I think I'll treat myself to coffee and oatmeal on my way to work this morning. It's hard to go wrong with a nice breakfast like that and I can sit and read at the coffee shop.

Mistress of the Art of Death

For a change I'm not reading a piece of fanfic on my Nook, but a real, actual, purchased book. And it's a hoot! I'm reading "Mistress of the Art of Death" by Ariana Franklin. I have all four of the volumes in the series and I'm really enjoying these. They take place in the time of Henry II of England and they are murder mysteries in a CSI/Medical Examiner style of forensic investigation in that time frame. Strong characters and a great female lead - yeah. I like these and I'm happy that I purchased them. The four of them will keep me busy long enough to encode some more fanfic that I want to put onto my Nook for re-reading. Do I still love my Nook Color? Oh yeah!

Digital Art Tutorial Sketch to Paint

I'm playing with tutorials from
So far they're pretty good.

And I'm still moving along on Back to Middle Earth month. I'm up to date again, Day 10 was released late yesterday afternoon and I got that written and put in for crit last night. I also started work through the Digital Art tutorial of putting pencil work into digital art - exactly what I want to do. It's pretty apparent that the artist doing this is much more confident with his pencil work than I am - LOL. Of course, that pretty much described the entire art world :-) Enjoy your Thursday.
Tags: b2me, drawing, nook

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