First is the Veiled Woman. This marble sculpture stops me in my tracks every time. I look closely at it from all angles and the skill of the carver leaves me breathless. It's all marble - every bit of it, and it's a single piece, and at an angle, you see the translucent veil but not the eyes - those only come clear when you look straight at it. It is, pure and simply, magnificent.
Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, I offer this wonderful funerary floor lamp. After all, whose home wouldn't be complete without their own funerary items. The decoration on this large item is what pulls me to it time and time again. This was made in the days before death was closed behind glass walls and electronic equipment. This was made when people walked with Death walking next to them. Death was a familiar companion, not a best friend, but understood and accepted as a part of life. Certainly food for thought.
And finally, a study in perspective and vision - The Queen. When you look at this sculpture face on it looks like it is made from wire frame, soldered, wrapped and manipulated to give the regular patterning. A lot of work and a heavy item that required the sacrifice of much copper. But...then you walk around her and realize the truth in the packaging. She is made from carefully cut and positioned recycled corrugated cardboard that has been cut to allow the v's of the corrugation to show through at exact angles, giving you the fabulous frontal view. I applaud this artist. What incredible vision.
So there you have it - some beauty to start your Thursday off right!