There is an illustration that I must start today and I need some tracing paper which I know I own but can't find *sigh*. But I have a Dick Blick coupon, so I'll be making a quick trip out there today to get some. I have three loads of laundry to get done and my weekly phone call with my friend from California. It will be a busy, busy day, but a really wonderful one. Oh, and I have to pick up our personal taxes and pay for the corporate ones that I mailed yesterday. As usual, more than one day would be nice, but I don't have it, so I'll manage :-)
My cousin, the one I'm getting together with in a month, is supposed to be in Europe right now, travelling with her hubby through Switzerland and Germany. But he came down with the flu twelve hours before their flight was due to leave, even passing out in the car on the way to the airport, so she's still in the US. They have rescheduled their trip, but she now has a week open. I want it! - LOL. Have a fabulously creative day!