Although I try my best to ignore the scale for the holidays, I know I've gained weight because I can feel it. I'm looking forward to New Year's because after that, I can begin to watch what I'm eating again, and hopefully build exercise back into my regime. Ideally, at least. I really need to get my body back under control, but even though I had lost weight in 2011, I need to keep that trend going in 2012.
And I finally got a First Place in A Long Expected Contest. The fact that I had the only entry...well, I'll just call this a nice Solstice gift, because I'm pleased with the story I submitted. I'm grateful, though, that friends of mine didn't submit that month, so "thank you's" are going out to Aearwen and Fiondil. LOL. I'll be posting the story in my usual places tonight when I get back to my computer.