engarian (engarian) wrote,

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Studio Day? Not Today :-(

Today is Wednesday. It's supposed to be my studio day. But we're doing a 3-day End of Year sale starting tomorrow and my Manager gave up most of his Tuesday day off to check pricing on our sterling silver supplies so that they could be offered in the same merchandise. So I promised that I would come in for at least part of the day to make up for his giving up his day. Isn't that more like two wrongs not making a right? Oh well, one way or another, I'm working for the morning and probably part of the afternoon.

Although I try my best to ignore the scale for the holidays, I know I've gained weight because I can feel it. I'm looking forward to New Year's because after that, I can begin to watch what I'm eating again, and hopefully build exercise back into my regime. Ideally, at least. I really need to get my body back under control, but even though I had lost weight in 2011, I need to keep that trend going in 2012.

And I finally got a First Place in A Long Expected Contest. The fact that I had the only entry...well, I'll just call this a nice Solstice gift, because I'm pleased with the story I submitted. I'm grateful, though, that friends of mine didn't submit that month, so "thank you's" are going out to Aearwen and Fiondil. LOL. I'll be posting the story in my usual places tonight when I get back to my computer.
Tags: diet, studio day, writing

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