You would think I'd at least get some writing in, and I do have one story out for beta and two others in the works, but I'm just catching up on Emails and posts from the weekend. Silly me!
The US Post Office had some special painting on selected mail boxes when they introduced their Star Wars stamps a few years ago. This little R2D2 was one of them - too sweet!
I did finish the bead weaving for my larger repair yesterday, and am just down to weaving in the loose ends before completing it totally. It was an interesting project, but would have been much faster if several people who had never worked on that type of project hadn't tried to "fix" it in the past. Their "fixing" caused me to have to double the time I had to take to get everything repaired. Now I have one more repair pending, then I can work on my own stuff again, just in time to mail things out for the holidays. Crazy! I'm still searching for the computer file where I put last year's holiday card addresses, so...if you want to receive a holiday card from me and haven't already Emailed or PM'd your addy to me, please do so. Also, I post this blog in three different places, so if you responded to one of the earlier call-outs I made on different hosting services, don't despair. I have those addys, it's the 2010 ones I'm missing.
I wake up each morning with a look at the Astronomy Picture of the Day and thought I'd share Saturday's pic with all of you just for the beauty of it. The pic, entitled "Light Echoes from V838 Mon" is a Hubble photo from February 2004. Isn't it just stunning? It's views like this that make me think the universe has to have a much greater mind than my own puny one behind it. Whatever name I put to it, I believe in the power of the Song and the Love, and isn't that all that's important?