engarian (engarian) wrote,

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Working? Hardly!

 Doing a variety of signage for my shop has been at the top of my professional "to do" list for a week. I have the vinyl pre-cut and ready to place for my exterior windows and I'll try and get that applied late this morning when the sun has warmed the window up to its maximum. This is an experiment for me, but I think it will work well. At least I learned a lot about my new toy - my Silhouette - and what I can and cannot do with it, how it operates, and what materials work or don't work well for cutting in it. I also need to make new signage for my holiday kits and for my aluminum jump rings. It was on my list to do those last night, but I ended up with other things that I had to do on the computer instead. I need to get these done, so I may end up working on them at the shop today on my laptop instead of at home. That's not what I wanted to do, since I prefer to work the sales floor (our sales dollars also reflect when I am out on the floor instead of in the back room), but I think we're caught up enough that I could work in the back for an hour or two.

Mondo at Fashion Week
This dress is one of Mondo's strongest
designs for Fashion Week. Looking
through other offerings, I think he has a
good chance of winning this.

Last night on Project Runway, Michael C was the last designer to be eliminated before Fashion Week - the final episode - occurs next week. The final three for Fashion Week are Mondo, Andy and Gretchen. Of the mini-show presented last night, I actually thought that Gretchen's collection was rather weak and if the remainder of what she will walk down the runway next week is as weak as these, she won't win. Andy's outfits were not very strong either - I think he has done better work during the competitions earlier in the season. And Mondo's outfits were clearly his style, but borderlined to circus - a bit too costume instead of couture. I can hardly wait until next week's finale and I hope that Mondo manages to pull this off and win this season.
Tags: sewing, silhouette, stormcloud trading

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